Sunday, November 1, 2009

Vampires, the new crave?

First let me start out by saying, that this is not a new crave. all this sudden hype over a smutty book about a dumb girl and her lust for a vampire, who by the way is not an attractive man (personal view) Is not the first time. Remember, The Lost Boys? And please Jason Patrick was so much hotter than this Robert Pattenson (is that his name?)Then later all the hype over Lastat, and the Anne Rice books. So c'mon all this is just more ridiculous teenage rave and more crap to put on T.V.. (If you ask me the werewolf in the previews for the newest Vamp movie is way better looking than the vamp himself), but again aren't these people all teenagers anyway? Now I would like to get to my point, to all you odd duck goth chick and Vampire wannabes. you have any idea what a Vampire would smell like? I mean we are talking about a dead person. A person who is technically rotting inside and out. So getting close to a Vampire, you would smell something like rotting meat, and then the breath alone would be putrid. So if you step back and think about that, is that really what you want to make out with? Then lets talk about Vampires themselves, so ok they have the power to spell bind you(which is why maybe you don't smell the smell of death), but c'mon, sparkle! What the hell is that all about? Give me a break. So the newest crave of Vampires are sparkly vegetarians. Who the hell is this freak that wrote this shit. Let me guess she is a skinny bitch who spends her free time protesting and is a vegan who doesn't date or shave for that matter because she is so all about women's power a man or a lesbian for that matter can't stand to get near her. She probably doesn't even own a bra and If she has a car (bicycle is more her choice of transportation, I'm sure) it's definitely a Prius. Because nobody else that's not in the 3rd grade would invent a fuckin sparkly vegetarian vampire! I was hoping the whole thing was a silly joke and that would pass, but no for the Boys there's Harry Potter and for the girls and the desperately lonely women, there's this crap. I am well aware that some share my thoughts on this and others are dedicated followers, who probably know all the characters by name, but please if you want to be obsessed with Vampires at be obsessed with one that the average person could fear, You know the kind, the ones that drink human blood, don't sparkle can't go out in the sun and are deadly. Scary in fact if you believe in them. Do some research and become a fan of Van Helsing who can take a bath to get the stink off and actually sex you up before he goes on his merry way to hunt and slaughter, your beloved sparkly vegetarian, bunny blood drinking drama king!

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